After my trip to the vets! |
So that your furry friends don't go through the same or worse I have listed all the foods to keep them away form. The smaller the dog then the higher the chance of having the following effects. If you suspect any of the below then seek advice from a vet to be on the safe side!
Remember to share me with your friends too to make them aware!
Alcohol (highly toxic)
(Including Beer, Wine, spirits and food that contains alcohol) Can cause vomiting, damage to the nervous system, diarrhea, breathing problems, even causing a coma and worse death.
Almonds (in large amounts)
Causes stomach upsets. Many times they are coated in chocolate or salt too!
Avocado (highly toxic)
Contains Persin which is toxic to dogs, it is contained in the leaves, seed, bark and the fruit itself
Although deemed popular giving dogs bones is highly dangerous, they can splinter and cause internal problems. Also any fat either cooked or raw can cause pancreatitis for dogs.
Brazil nuts (in large amounts)
Can cause upset stomach and due to their fatty nature can cause pancreatitis if lots are consumed.
Causes sickness and diarrhea as well as bloating. This is the same for similar cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, kale and cauliflower.
Cacao (highly toxic)
See chocolate
Cacao nibs (highly toxic)
See chocolate
Caffeine (highly toxic)
Tea, coffee or any other form of caffeine can be fatal for a dog. Signs of poisoning could include, heart problems, tremors, rapid breathing, being restless and even bleeding. Cocoa contains caffeine and so do energy drinks and some medication
Anything like this can contain artificial sweeteners such as Xylitol (see description of what is causes below)
Similar to peaches and plums, the stones/pips contain cyanide which is highly toxic and cause fatality as well as the danger of obstruction if swallowed. Signs could be difficulty breathing, dilated pupils. sickness or diarrhea
Chives (highly toxic)
Causes oral irritation, sickness, diarrhoea, drooling and being lethargic.
Chocolate (highly toxic)
In any form, human chocolate is dangerous (The darker the more toxic)! Even a small amount can cause sickness, diarrhoea, heart problems, seizures and even fatality. Chocolate containing nuts adds more so to the danger!
Corn on the cob (Sweetcorn)
Due to not being broken down in the digestive system this can cause sickness, lack of appetite, stomach pains and difficulty going to the toilet.
Currants (highly toxic)
Same as Grapes
High in sugar, causes diarrhoea and other symptoms linked to too much sugar.
Garlic / Onions / Shallots (highly toxic)
In large quantities this can be dangerous, includes all forms, natural, raw or cooked, powdered or dehydrated. The build up of smaller amounts can cause damage to red blood cells causing anemia, even one large portion can cause the same effect
Tomatoes (green/Red) (highly toxic)
Can cause lack of appetite, sickness, diarrhoea, weakness, heart problems, low mood and dilated pupils.
Grapes (highly toxic)
These are highly toxic and can cause kidney failure for dogs! Any product derived from grapes is included such as raisins and sultanas
If ingested can cause low mood, sickness and diarrhoea
Human Medicine
Keep all medication out of reach of your dog. Even pain relief can be fatal if ingested by dogs.
Lemons and limes
Symptoms of poisoning can include collapsing, sickness/diarrhoea, excessive drooling, low mood and cold limbs.
Macadamia nuts (highly toxic)
These nuts can cause illness even after a small amount like a handful! Any food containing these nuts should be avoided. They could even be fatal…!
Milk and milk based produce such as dairy
Unless it is lactose-free then this can cause digestive system issues such as vomiting or diarrhoea, can also cause food allergies
Moulds (highly toxic)
Mouldy bread, nuts and dairy foods plus blue cheese like Stilton etc… If ingested can cause sickness/diarrhoea, tremors, high fever, stomach pains, being disorientated and jaundice.
Can cause sickness/diarrhoea, lethargy, jaundice, excessive drooling.
Mustard seeds
Causes digestive upset, vomiting and diarrhea.
Peaches and Plums etc
The stones/pips contain cyanide which is highly toxic and cause fatality as well as the danger of obstruction if swallowed.
Peanut butter (If containing sweetener)
All artificial sweeteners such as are toxic to dogs this includes Xylitol, Aspartame etc - See Xylitol description below
Pecan nuts
Can lead to the onset of liver damage if consumed due to containing aflatoxin.
Pistachio nuts
Can lead to the onset of liver damage if consumed due to containing aflatoxin.
Rhubarb (leaves) (highly toxic)
The leaves are highly toxic and can cause excessive drooling, tremors and kidney failure.
Raisins (highly toxic)
Same as Grapes
Raw Eggs
Risk of food poisoning such as Salmonella, E.Coli etc. Raw egg also causes skin and coat problems.
Causes irritation in the mouth, issues swallowing, sickness/diarrhea, weakness and even go in to shock
Salt is on many foods such as crisps and chips (Dorito’s etc). Ingesting too much can cause Sodium Ion poisoning including sickness, diarrhoea, low mood, high temperature (leading to seizures) and even death.
Sugary Foods and Drinks
Causes obesity, rotting teeth and even diabetes.
Sultanas (highly toxic)
Same as Grapes
Sweeteners (highly toxic)
All artificial sweeteners such as Xylitol, Aspartame etc are toxic to dogs. Ingestion can cause a rush of insulin in your dog and means the blood sugar level will drop causing sickness, losing coordination and eventually liver failure within a matter of days.
Walnuts (highly toxic)
Causes stomach upsets, also if it contains mould then it can cause seizures and neurological issues
Yeast Dough
If eaten this will in essence rise within your dogs stomach causing swelling. Also converts to alcohol when fermented (See alcohol dangers above)
I hope you found this useful!
Ralph :-)